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Archive for the ‘Google Tools’ Category

Google-OSGoogle’s Chrome OS project, first announced in July, will become available for download within a week, we’ve heard from a reliable source. Google previously said to expect an early version of the OS in the fall.

What can we expect? Driver support will likely be a weak point. We’ve heard at various times that Google has a legion of engineers working on the not so glamorous task of building hardware drivers. And we’ve also heard conflicting rumors that Google is mostly relying on hardware manufacturers to create those drivers. Whatever the truth, and it’s likely in between, having a robust set of functioning drivers is extremely important to Chrome OS’s success. People will want to download this to whatever computer they use and have it just work.

We expect Google will be careful with messaging around the launch, and endorse a small set of devices for installation. EEE PC netbooks, for example, may be one set of devices that Google will say are ready to use Chrome OS. There will likely be others as well, but don’t expect to be able to install it on whatever laptop or desktop machine you have from day one. Google has previously said they are working with Acer, Adobe, ASUS, Freescale, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, and Toshiba on the project.

We’ve seen convincing and not so convincing screenshots of Chrome OS over the last several months. The good news is the speculation is about to end, and you can try it out yourself. If you have one of the supported devices, that is.


To make your life easier, google are introducing Google Ad Planner, a research and media planning tool that connects advertisers and publishers. When using Google Ad Planner, simply enter demographics and sites associated with your target audience, and the tool will return information about sites (both on and off the Google content network) that your audience is likely to visit. You can drill down further to get more detail like demographics and related searches for a particular site, or you can get aggregate statistics for the sites you’ve added to your media plan.

I highly suggest signing up for the beta and taking this very powerful tool for a test drive because it totally kills Alexa, Compete, and Quantcast. I am not sure how Google measures the traffic because they are a third party and they can’t actually track users unless they are directly auditing ALL users of a website.


New! in Earth 5.0 (beta)

Google Earth is one truly amazing piece of software, and I am glad that I am alive to actually see it work – something our ancestors could not, having to settle for maps instead of turning on a computer to view other parts of the world from the comfort of their air-conditioned room. Well, there is no reason for Google to rest upon their laurels, which leads us to an improvement on their project by offering a new feature to users – allowing us to dive beneath the water surface to explore underwater terrain in 3D while browsing ocean-related content courtesy of leaders in ocean science and advocacy. Personally, I think the entire effect would be much more pronounced if Google included some sort of Trash-o-Meter to indicate which segments of the earth’s water are polluted so that more awareness can be raised among the current generation to prevent further degradation of our seven seas.


Google gives you the opportunity estimate the value of the keywords before starting your ppc campaign .

You can view how much Google’s estimate of keyword value using this tool

For example, here is the estimated value for credit cards¤cy=USD&language=en

Google’s webmaster tools provide you with a free and easy way to make your site more Google-friendly.

Find out whether your site is currently being indexed by Google.

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Improve traffic with Google Webmaster Tools.

google Webmaster

May 2024



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